Monday, 22 April 2013

Real Security

The cruel man desires to be feared, because of his cruelty, but who is to be feared, except the one God? What can be taken away from your power? Who can rob You of Your power, and how and where would they do it? The enticements of the sensual pretend to be love, yet what is more enticing than your love? Nor is any love more wholesome and refreshing than the love of your truth, for it is bright and beautiful above all things. Curiosity creates a desire for knowledge, sometimes concealed under the covering of simplicity and ignorance, yet there is no being that has a true simplicity as yours and none are as innocent as you. Thus a sinner is harmed by his own sinful deeds.

Human laziness pretends to want to rest, yet where is rest except in You Lord?

Luxury of life desires to be called plenty and abundance, but you are the fulness and unfailing abundance of incorruptible joy.

Extravagant philanthropy displays a show of liberality, but you are the most lavish giver of all good things.

Avarice desires to possess all things, but you possess all things.

Envy contends for excellence, but what is more excellent than you?

Anger seeks revenge, but who is more vengeful than you?

Fear shrinks back from the unfamiliar and sudden changes that threaten what he loves, he is afraid for his security and the security of those he loves, but what can happen that is unfamiliar or sudden to you? Or who can deprive you of what you love? Where can real security be found except in you? Grief mourns for the things it loved which have been taken from it, but nothing can be taken from you.

Augustine's Confessions, 1971 Ed. P 14

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