Monday 27 August 2012

Revelation 1:7-8

The book of Revelation has been described as the ultimate action thriller. Remember we saw last week that this book is about Jesus? Well, John also tells us about Jesus John also tells us about the end of the world. This book talks about the rise of an evil ruler, a war to end all wars, and most terrifying of all, the final judgement itself.

But Revelation has a happy ending. It, like Mark, is a eucatastrophe. All Heaven is breaking lose by the end of this book. Jesus is on His throne, He is worshipped as God by His people in perfection forever. Revelation ends with the second coming, and John gives us a preview of that second coming here in 1:7-8. We learn five things about the second coming in these two verses. We learn about it’s necessity, glory, scope, response and certainty.

First of all, the second coming is necessary. Look at the first four words of verse 7. Behold, He is coming.. Behold is a word in the Greek that mean something like ‘pay attention,’ or ‘listen up.’ John is telling us something important here. And that is? Jesus is coming. His return is necessary. More than 500 verses in the Bible talk about Jesus return, maybe as many as one out of every 25 verses in the NT talks about Jesus second coming. Jesus repeatedly spoke of His return and warned His followers to be ready for it.

Are we ready?

Alongside these references in the Bible, there are many reasons why Jesus’ return is necessary. God’s promises require that Jesus return (Gen 49:10, Ps 2:6-9). Secondly, Jesus Himself promised that He would return, as we’ve mentioned. Thirdly, the HS guarantees that Jesus would return. He is the Spirit of truth, so every promise of Jesus’ return in Scripture is also a promise from Him. Fourth God’s plan for the church, the world and Israel demands Jesus return (Rev 3:10, Rom 11:1-2)

Secondly, verse seven tells us that Jesus second coming will be glorious. John tells us that Jesus will come ‘with the clouds.’ Clouds in scripture symbolize glory. Like Moses on Mt Sinai. These clouds show us Jesus descent from Heaven. They symbolize the brilliant light that will accompany Him. Hebrews 1:3 tells us that this is the radiance of God’s glory.

At the end of verse 7, we see the scope of the second coming. Every eye will see Him. You won’t have to guess, you’ll know. Even those who pierced Him. Even Jesus enemies will be forced to admit who He is. They’ll mourn, some in repentance, some in fear.

What about you?

Look at John’s response in verse 7. Even so, amen. Two words, strong plea for Jesus to come. Do we pray like that?

Finally, in verse 8, we see the second coming is certain. Jesus is the alpha anc the omega. Greek alphabet, beginning and end. He has all the knowledge there is to have. If He says it, it’s going to happen!
Jesus is, and was, and is to come. He’s not confined by space or time. His word is not contingent on anything. His promise settles the issue.

Third, He is the almighty. Nothing can stop Him. His plans are made, and His is coming.
Jesus Christ once left heaven for earth in humiliation, He'll be back in exaltation. He once left heaven to be killed, He will do it again to kill. He once left heaven to serve, He will do it again to be served. He once left heaven to offer grace, He will do it again to demand justice. He once left heaven to seek and to save, He will do it again to search and destroy.

The question always in this book is: are you ready? He is coming. John Phillips writes, "One of the most stirring passages in English history tells of the conquests and crusades of Richard I, Richard the Lionhearted. While Richard was away trouncing Saladin(?), his kingdom fell on bad times. His sly and graceless brother John usurped all the prerogatives of the king and misused the realm. The people of England suffered longing for the return of their king and praying that it might be very soon. Then one day Richard came. He landed in England and marched straight for his throne. Around that glittering coming many tales are told woven into the legends of England, one of them is the story of Robin Hood. John's castles tumbled like nine pins, great Richard laid claim to his throne and none dare stand in his path. The people shouted their delight, they rang peel after peel on the bells, the lion was back and they cried, `Long live the king.'"

And one day a King far greater than Richard will lay claim to a realm far greater than England. And those who have abused the earth in His absence, and those who have seized His domains and mismanaged His world will all be swept aside. And only those who love Him and bow the need to His sovereignty will participate in His Kingdom.

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