Monday, 1 December 2014

We Have No Authority Save This Book

There is nothing more important in Christian life than the way in which we approach the Bible, and the way in which we read it. It is our textbook, it is our only source, our only authority. We know nothing about God and the Christian life in a true sense apart from what we read in the Bible. We can draw various deductions from nature (and possibly by mystical experiences) by which we can arrive at a belief in a supreme creator. But i think it is agreed by all Christians, and it has been traditional throughout the long history of the Church, that we have no authority save this book. We can not rely solely on subjective experiences, because there are evil spirits as well as good spirits; there are counterfeit experiences. Here, in the Bible is our sole authority. 

D.Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Studies in the Sermon on the Mount, Vol I, P10

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