Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Praying with the Puritans

Bill Bryson described Puritanism as the fear that someone somewhere was having a good time. Sadly, Bryson speaks for a lot of Christians when he writes that. Jared C. Wilson describes that sort of view of the Puritans as 'theologically and historically tone deaf.' As much as i enjoy Bill Bryson, i have to agree with Jared C. Wilson.

I love the Puritans. From John 'is this a sentence or a paragraph,' Owen, to Jonathan 'come and see the view from up here,' Edwards, i never fail to enjoy the time i spend with these men. The Puritans, at their best were true evangelical, experiential Christians.

Comparing their prayer life to mine is like comparing to sun to the embers in a long forgotten fireplace, but for the last three months, i've enjoyed the privilege of praying alongside these great great men. I've been using Joe Thorn's Valley of Vision reading plan.

I must've bought the Valley of Vision years ago, i think even before i moved to the States, but it was always a bit of a mystery, always a bit overwhelming and even inaccessible. I'd prayed some of the daily prayers, the ministers prayers, and the repentance prayers fairly regularly, but i knew i was missing out. This reading plan has been life to me throughout the day this summer.

The plan has you reading three prayers a day, for five days a week, although about half way through i started reading the last two prayers from Friday on Saturday and Sunday. These prayers take you to places you'd heard of, and dreamed about, but never made it to. To penitential depths and joy filled heights, to seeing the horror of sin through the eyes of men who really got it, to seeing the joys of Christ through the hearts of men who knew Him.

Of course there are dangers to reading someone else's prayers, it can become formal and dry. So don't let it. Lay down the wood, and as for the Holy Spirit to set fire to it. I knew when i was praying, because it would take me nearly twenty minutes to cover maybe two minutes of reading.

Using the prayers at the start of the day was great, and warmed my heart up for the Word, but it was the prayers in the middle and at the end of the day that i appreciated the most. To make time to pray, and to be guided in these prayers was so valuable and so helpful. It's scary how easy it is, even when your desk is eleven paces from a church auditorium, to try and work in your own strength. The Valley of Vision was a lovely, life giving, corrective throughout the day.

It's made my prayer life deeper and richer, and i commend it to you without reservation.

You can buy the Valley of Vision here
And download the plan here.

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