Friday, 6 September 2013


Second Thessalonians 1:11 is becoming one of my favourite verses about the end of time. It tells us that Christ will return to be 'marveled at'. When Christ returns we will be weak at the knees with astonishment, our minds well and truly blown by the majesty and shear marvelous-ness of Jesus.

But we needn't wait until that day to marvel at the Son of God, in fact i'd argue, and base my preaching and teaching on the argument, that to survive, and thrive as a Christina we must marvel at Jesus. We have a view of Jesus that makes every other attraction and distraction in the world, look dim and boring. We must make the world to Jesus as every other woman is to our spouse. Our marriages won't survive if we are as interested in other women, our faith won't survive if we are as interested in other gods.

Hebrews exists to help us do just that. I think (because John Piper told me) that the money shot of the whole book is Hebrews 13:13: 'let us go to Him...' The author spends the preceding chapter telling us who 'Him,' is and why He's worth it. Oh and He's worth it. worth reproach instead of riches, worth living in a cave, worth the confiscation of your property. 

Chapter 2:10-18 paint this truth in bold colours for us. Jesus is our salvation author. He's the pioneer and leader of our salvation. The stunning truth is that it was fitting for Him to taste death for us. Fitting! us! Are you marveling yet?! It fit God's character and attributes for Jesus to lay down His life for you and me! What sort of other-worldly good news is this?

Jesus is our sanctifying brother. He is not ashamed of us in the midst of the congregation, He claims us as His own, because we all have the same source, God. He calls us to trust our common Father, and to delight in trusting Him. Maybe you're ashamed of what you've done this week or today. But Jesus looks at you and says 'sanctified!' 'Not ashamed!' 'Brother!'

 Jesus is our Satan-conquerer. He tasted death, drank it down, drained the cup, and left it in the grave. Satan took his best shot, and lies defeated on the mat. And because of that we're free. Free from the fear of death. In fact it's even better than that. The devil's greatest weapon has become our greatest vehicle. Where oh death is your sting? Taken by Jesus, all the way into the grave, and left there.

And Jesus is our sympathizer. It's not angles that He helps, it's you and me. This lion is the lamb. This king is the feet washer. This God is here for us. The Gospel is not 'help wanted,' but 'come and eat.' Jesus knows what it's like to be tempted, much much more than any of us.

What else in the world offers this? Who else in the world offers this? There's nothing, there's no one. Let us out rejoice, out marvel, the offers of sin, and let us go to Him.

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