Monday, 24 June 2013

Being Jacob seems to me that Ambrose has beautifully stated an example of this righteousness in the blessing of Jacob: noting that, as he did not deserve the blessing of the first-born, concealed in his brothers clothing and wearing his brothers coat, which gave an agreeable odour (Gen 27:27) he ingratiated himself with his father so that to his own benefit he received the blessing while impersonating another. And we, in like manner, hide under the precious purity of our first-born brother Christ, so that we might be attested righteous in God's sight. Here are the words of Ambrose, 'that Isaac smelled the odour of the garments perhaps means that we are justified by faith and not by works, since the weakness of the flesh is a weakness to works, but the brightness of faith, which merits the pardon of sin overshadows the error of the deeds.

Calvin, Institutes, 3.11.23

How safe was Jacob's blessing? It was as safe as Isaac's love for Esau. How safe is our blessing, our righteousness? It's as safe as the Father's love for His Son. That's what our salvation depends upon, God's love for His firstborn. And we're clothed in His righteousness, our faith is a pleasing odour to God.

What a freeing truth! No wonder Bunyan said his chains fell off when he grasped it, no wonder Machen's knew there was no hope without it.

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