Monday, 29 October 2012

Romans 13 and November 6

As election day looms ever larger here in the US, i think there are two equal and opposite errors we are at risk of falling into. As we view this election through our Christian glasses, we are tempted in two ways to either put too little, or too much emphasis on what happens on November 6th. Romans 13:1-7 is the simply, Christlike, Spirit inspired, Pauline antidote to both of these ills.

It Does Matter Who Wins. Jesus Is On The Throne
Like most error, this is dressed up with just enough truth to make it palatable. Yes and amen, Jesus was, is and will be on the throne. Though all the world run against Him, He will not be overthrown. Good news my friends, good news! But not responsibility absolving news. Jesus is on the throne, i won't look both ways before i cross the street. Jesus is on the throne, i won't fill my car up before my long journey. Jesus is on the throne, i won't tell my wife i love her. It's a nonsense isn't it? Because Jesus is on the throne we are motivated to live as responsible citizens, using our rights and privileges as we can. Because Jesus is on the throne we can vote, fully confident, and joyfully so, knowing that His hand is in and behind everything we do. Romans 13:2 tells us that God appoints authority, and if we resist authority, we resist Him. Don't resist God, Jesus is on the throne, pray and vote!

If [my preferred candidate] doesn't win God's not going to bless us
If option one put too little stock in elections, option two puts too much. If option one had a wrong view of God's sovereignty, so does number two. This election represents a quandary on many levels, not least politically and morally. Politically because, even though we might believe that the incumbent has been a disaster in almost every category, is the opponent any better? If the President is Blair, his challenger is IDS and William Hague. The Republicans are almost exactly where the Tories were ten years ago. And morally. It's pretty obvious that one candidate's policies are more driven by what we find in the Bible than the other, neither do anything to hide their point of view, we must be very careful about attributing a Biblical worldview to a Mormon. Whoever wins, 'he is God's servant for your good.' (verse 4)

I can say these things as someone who can't vote. Even though I undergo taxation with no representation, seriously America, someone should do something about this injustice! I can say these things as an outsider on the inside. Someone who loves the southeastern United States, without forgetting the dangers of living in the Bible belt.

How do we approach November 6th? Confidently, joyfully, hopefully and prayerfully. Knowing that whatever happens, God's Kingdom is advancing with the preaching of the Gospel. And hey, even if your guys don't win, at least those dreadful campaign ads will be off your TV!

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