Saturday, 30 June 2012

Isaiah 59:16-17

I've been reading Isaiah in the mornings over the last six mornings, what a book! Full of comfort and consolation, but also judgement and devastation. God is the God of victory for His people. He is the God who is crushed, and through that crushing comes victory.

This morning i read 59:16-17. If you came from Mars, and heard of a God who was perfect, and powerful, how would you expect Him to deal with the problem mentioned in verse 16? No one in Israel, not one of God's people interceded, no one was standing. You might expect this sovereign power to rise and rage, the judge and destroy. But, Martian friend, you'd be wrong.

What happens next? 'then his own arm brought him salvation.' God provided a man, who would stand, a man who would bring salvation. There was not a single Israelite with the law written on his heart. Jesus came, with the law written on His heart. There was not an Israelite who kept the law. Jesus came and kept the law. There was not a King who loved the Lord with all His heart, all His mind and all His strength. Jesus came, and Jesus did. He came and brought righteousness, His righteousness upheld Him. There is no one else in all of history of whom this can be said.

What does Isaiah say next? 'He put on righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation on his head.' Well hang on, this is Ephesians isn't it? We all know that famous passage. Jesus wore the breastplate, of His own righteousness first. Jesus can wear the helmet of salvation, because it salvation belongs to Him.

We can't work our way to God. The Gospel is all about Him coming down. And down He came. What does Paul want us to out on in Ephesians 6? Not disconnected truths about Jesus...we need Jesus Himself. His righteousness, His salvation, His good news.

This morning we worship a good God, a rescuing God, a God whose name is Jesus. He comes and gives. He gives His life, He comes and gives righteousness and salvation. Bless the Lord oh my soul, and forget not His benefits...

You really should listen to Glen Scrivener on Isaiah. Really!

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